How to Grow Peas in the Backyard

Growing peas in the garden enriches the soil with nitrogen and provides a delicious and nutritious harvest.

Some varieties can be eaten right off the vine, pods and all, while shelling peas need to be opened to remove the familiar round peas.

How to Grow Peas in Your Garden

These delicious members of the legume family prefer cool weather, making them a great early spring crop.

Varieties of Peas

Snowpea White Sugar Daddy Green Arrow  Lincoln 

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Plant peas in full sun to partial shade. Some shade will help protect pea plants from harsh sunlight if temperatures warm too quickly in spring.

Light Requirements

Soil Requirements

Make sure that the soil has good drainage. Amend the soil with compost or other organic matter before planting seeds.

Click over to read the full guide on successfully growing fresh peas in your backyard garden.