Jodi Torpey, Master Gardener

Take Time to Grow Brussels Sprouts

Looking for a fun new veggie to add to the garden? Try growing Brussels sprouts! They’re fun to watch grow and make a delicious harvest.

Growing Dill in the Home Garden

Dill is an attractive and aromatic plant to grow in a garden. Feathery-like foliage is used for flavoring and large, umbrella-like flower heads produce dill seeds.

Cauliflower Power for Your Vegetable Garden

Cauliflower is in the cabbage family, but its looks and flavors are distinctly different. Heads of cauliflower grow from bunches of small florets on a sturdy stem, one reason why “flower” is so prominent in its name.

Grow Beautiful Onions in Your Garden

One advantage to growing onions is they keep for a long time without spoiling. Plus, they are a key ingredient in just about any savory meal.

Oregano is an Essential Herb to Grow in your Garden

Oregano leaves are essential to any gardener who likes to cook Italian, Greek, Middle Eastern or Mexican cuisine. This flavorful herb is enjoyed fresh or dried because of its pungent and powerful peppery flavor.

How to Plant, Grow, and Love Lavender

Lavender is an easy-to-grow perennial that has a long history as a medicinal and culinary herb. Its fragrant flowers are a favorite of bees and other pollinators.

How to Plant and Grow Cabbage

Cabbage is valued for its health benefits, each head is loaded with beta carotene, vitamins C and K and plenty of fiber!

How to Grow Chives as a Perennial Herb

Chive plants have a perennial nature and can be a tasty addition to vegetable, herb and flower gardens. Sound good? Consider growing chives in your veggie or herb garden!