A hanging tomato planter is easy to make at home. Here’s how to transform a 5-gallon bucket into a DIY upside-down tomato planter for a vertical garden.
Small gardens are a great option for those with limited space, limited time, and limited mobility.
Growing Lettuce in Containers to Eliminate Pest Damage
Tender green lettuce leaves are very susceptible to damage from slugs and snails. They’re also a favorite of pests like rabbits and deer, though admittedly those are not a problem for me here. To combat the damage from snails and slugs, try planting lettuce in containers up off the ground.
Carrot Growing 101: How to Grow Carrots From Seed to Harvest
Here’s how to harvest an abundance of carrots from your garden this year. Growing carrots & eating them straight from the soil is a joy of gardening.
Growing Swiss Chard: Greens for Gardens and Container Growing
Growing Swiss chard in containers is a great way for urbanites to grow some greens. Of course, Swiss chard is a great addition to a full-sized garden, too.
Small Vegetable Garden Ideas: Get the Most from Your Space
These small garden ideas will help you get the most bang for your vegetable gardening buck!
Growing Tomatoes in Containers to Save Space
Small garden space? Consider growing tomatoes in pots! Heres what you need to know about growing this summertime crop in containers.
Growing Sunflower Sprouts for Crunchy Microgreens
When greens are in short supply, sunflower sprouts can fill in a need for greens, but they’re great in salads and sandwiches ANY time of year!
Annuals vs. Perennials: Making the Most of the Space You Have
Trying to figure out what will provide the best harvest for your space? Understanding annuals vs. perennials is a good place to start planning a garden.
These Easy DIY Trellis Ideas Will Get Your Garden Growing UP!
Growing vertically is a great way to make the most of a small garden space. Learn to build an inexpensive garden trellis with these DIY trellis ideas.